Sunday, 3 March 2019

Usage of data from Social Media for political reasons is Unethical

Data theft these days is a very big issue and these days our data is very unsafe due to the increasing cyber crimes. Data theft basically means taking our information illegally from social media or any other platforms. Commonly, This information is user information such as Passwords, Social Security Numbers, Credit Card Information, Personal Contacts, Images etc.

Usage of data from social media for political reasons is very unethical and also a kind of cyber crime. These days data are being theft to understand the psychological behavior of the peoples especially political parties are doing this to gain benefit in the elections. It is also alleged that in the recent American election political parties have theft the data to manipulate the voters and took benefit in winning the election.

I personally think to theft our data is a heinous crime and it is a serious threat to our privacy as well. It is a global issue and steps should be taken by the founders of social media to protect our data.


  1. Kindly read, read... cambridge analytica, trump, indian elections

    Need good examples and facts to embellish your write up.

    Also read about WAT on
